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Knepp is a pioneering rewilding project in West Sussex.

In Feb 2022, a pair of beavers were introduced to a small brook that runs south-north through the estate. Beavers are ecosystem engineers - they coppice shrubs and trees to build dams. Their dams are already altering the flow of water and turning the small seasonal lag into a complex wetland area.

How will this changing landscape affect the local fauna? Can we hear these changes? Will the growing wetland create habitat for new species? Might we start to hear the tick of water beetles and the scrape of water boatmen? How might the changing wetland affect the behaviour of birds and mammals in the area? Might new invertebrates bring new birds? What ecological changes might new birds bring?

To find out, we have installed a solar-powered, quadrophonic live audio feed just north of the dam: A pair of hydrophones brings us closer to the sounds of the water itself and reveals the tiny sounds of fresh-water organisms. A pair of microphones in a fallen willow tree let us get to know the birds and mammals that live near and visit the water and hear the play of weather in the trees.

In the springtime, listen out for blackbirds, song thrushes and woodpeckers during the day and owls and nightingales during the night. Summer brings the turr-turring of turtle doves and the squeals of teenage piglets; the autumn, the guttural coughs and bellows of rutting deer. And, all the while, small freshwater invertebrates munch tirelessly in the stream.

Who else can you hear?

wilding radio brings art, science and technology together, to allow us to listen in and become part of long-term, positive ecological change.

Long Excerpts
Nightingale and Tawny - 3am April 25 2023
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Spring afternoon rain shower - 4pm April 23 2023
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Nightingale, cow and gentle rain - 11pm, April 27 2023
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Waterboatmen Duet, 10pm, July 10 2023
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Autumn storm, ducks, pigs, deer rutting, 3pm Sept 26 2023
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Short Excerpts
Dusk chorus, spring 2023
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Nightingales and tawny owl, Spring 2023
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Light Rain + Nightingales + Cow, Spring 2023
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Cuckoo + Snail, Spring 2023
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